10 Tips That Always Works  For Sugar Patients

Medicine At  Right Time

Medicines or insulin should be taken at the right time, sugar patient should take 5% less than the proposed calories according to their weight and height

No Gap In Food

Do eat something every once in a while, don't keep it for more than 2 or two and a half hours.

Be Active

Exercise for at least 45 minutes a day, sweating will come out of the body and sugar will remain under control.

Protein is Essential

Eat protein-rich things and have breakfast within 1 or 2 hours of waking up in the morning.

Take Fiber 

Fiber is a wonderful way to control blood sugar, for this you eat spinach, broccoli, beans, peas and leafy vegetables

Nuts and Berries

Always keep walnuts, almonds, dry berries with you, keep eating it in between, it will keep sugar under control and nutrients will also be available.